Dabur Clove Oil (2 ml)

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Dabur Clove Oil (2 ml)

Dabur Clove Oil is an ayurvedic medicine for dental and oral pain associated with toothache, dental cavity and tooth abscess. Dabur Clove Oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and analgesic properties that provide immediate relief in tooth pain. Dabur Clove Oil helps in providing warmth and numbness in pain during a toothache episode. 

Dabur Clove Oil Benefits: * Provides immediate relief in tooth pain * Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties * Helps in numbing pain in toothache and provides warmth 

Dabur Clove Oil Indications: Toothache Tooth Decay Tooth Abscess Dental Cavities 

Dabur Clove Oil Usage: Soak small cotton ball in Dabur Clove Oil and keep over affected area of toothache. In case of tooth cavity, put 1-4 drops of Dabur Clove Oil over decayed tooth or as directed by a physician or your medical practitioner.